A website is nowadays a necessity for the notoriety and growth of a company. If mobile applications join this category of essentials, the perception of web applications is not yet assimilated by all.

Indeed, web applications benefit from specific functionalities and unlike websites, they are hosted remotely.

While websites generally provide information, web applications are programs often used by companies because they are accessible on all types of browsers.

Web applications are grouped into 6 categories:
  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • E-commerce
  • Web portals
  • Animated web
  • With content management
Static web applications

Static web applications are the most basic types of applications. The languages adopted for this type are generally HTML and CSS. But the big disadvantage of these applications is the update which can be tedious to set up because it must be done on the server.

Dynamic web applications

In terms of know-how, dynamic web applications are more complicated to develop. This type of application is commonly used to be able to easily update its database or the information present on the application. Usually, the developer implements a CMS in the backend to allow this process.

E-commerce web applications

The most used web applications in the world are e-commerce web applications. Indeed, many people have already made a purchase without knowing that it was on e-commerce web applications. These applications are even more complex to deploy than the 2 previously mentioned because the application must be able to record digital payments.

Web portal applications
These are applications that, through a home page, allow access to several sections, categories, or forums. 
Animated web applications

FLASH technology is even essential if you want a modern application that can display animations.

The big disadvantage of this technology is the natural referencing which is difficult to optimize on classic search engines and can even be non-existent on other search engines.

Applications with content management

Content management systems are known as CMS. They allow you to have access to an interface that allows you to update the different contents of your web application. These applications are usually adopted for blogs, media, or information pages.

The main CMS are:
  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal

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