If your mobile or web application is getting a bit old, you are certainly facing a dilemma. You may have thought about creating a new application that is more efficient and more up to date with the market needs in order to avoid the inevitable slowdown of your software and the constraints related to the potential changes.

This obviously requires a budget and time that you may not have.

But have you considered the intermediate path, which is the redesign of the application ?

What is a redesign? 


A redesign is an update of the application in order to modernize it technologically and improve its omni-channel experience and e-commerce performance.

The benefits of such a refresh are numerous. Here are some of them: 


  • Speed: Recent technologies have the advantage of increasing execution speed and plugging in bricks that will optimize the platform.
  • Maintainability: The modernization brought about by the use of the latest versions of tools will also reduce the cost of maintainability by reducing the number of people dedicated to its maintenance.
  • Scalability: It is sometimes not easy to add a functionality to a platform if it has not been taken into account from the beginning. In this case, rewriting the code allows optimizing all the additions.
  • Ergonomics and User Interface: The redesign will allow a better user interface by a better dissociation of the back, front and database parts.
  • Business continuity: The redesign can be done in a progressive way without stopping the use of the platform.
  • Technical knowledge: In order to take over the technical knowledge of the platform, it is important to have a globally revised tool with recent technologies.


How to proceed with a redesign? 


The first step of a redesign of the application is, as when creating a new application, the definition of the objectives. We must then think about the reasons for carrying out the redesign.


Then comes the stage of designing the mock-ups from which the prototypes will be tested with real users. This allows us to identify the points of improvement to be made.


After the analysis of these conclusive results, the development of the redesign project begins. This is a fairly long stage during which it would be preferable to work in agile methodology, and therefore to deliver the redesign in small chunks. This will have the advantage of allowing you to test each procedure of the redesign without having to wait for the entire development.


Convinced? Innovative Solutions realizes both the development and the redesign of web and mobile applications. For any information or quotation, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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