Create a mobile application to improve the reputation of your company

With the advent of digital technology and the rise of mobile browsing, entrepreneurs are wondering about the need to develop a mobile application to improve the company’s reputation.


An application can represent a real added value for the company’s activity. It completes the mobile site and has many advantages.

A mobile application or a mobile website?


The mobile application is software that is installed on the smartphone. Users have direct access to your services or products, unlike the mobile version of the website where they must access it from the browser. After installing the application, potential customers or prospects will be able to make purchases, register items, order a service or prepare for future purchases. Accessing it directly from the smartphone menu makes it easier to access the products and services offered and therefore increases the chances of lead conversion.


The mobile application becomes essential

Several studies have shown considerable growth in the use of mobile Internet among individuals.

Several studies have shown considerable growth in the use of mobile Internet among individuals.

The implementation of a mobile application project certainly requires costs but it is a considerable added value whose return on investment is largely lucrative.

In order to follow the evolution of the uses and to ensure an excellent customer relationship, the development of a mobile application becomes today a necessity.


The advantages of a mobile application

First of all, the mobile application allows a qualitative user experience and gives you an overview of the number of people who make the first step of engagement towards your company. By downloading your app, these people give you the opportunity to communicate directly with them by sending them notifications. Knowing that notifications have an average click-through rate of 40% for the best messages, unlike emails which have an open rate of 1 to 4%.

They also allow direct access to your products and services. This ease of access increases your lead generation potential.

The Apple Store for IOS applications or Google Play for Android applications, for example, increases the visibility of your brand to users of these platforms. Not to mention the Google search engine which also references mobile applications.

Since we are still in a transition period and mobile applications represent an innovative advantage and not a standard, your choice to invest in this software will reflect an innovative image of the company. You demonstrate that you are adapting to the behaviors and habits of your customers.

Apps also make it easier to get information about users, allowing you to personalize the customer experience and adapt your external communication.

Where to start?

To start, you need to identify your customers’ needs and match them with the products and services you offer. The application must bring an added value in the daily life of the Internet user, the lead, the customer and answer a need. It must complement the website by adding value to it. This is why it is essential to think about an application that will facilitate and personalize access to your products or services.


Then, it will be necessary to define several important points in order to launch out in the pure programming of the application or to ask for an estimate near a company of programming like Innovative Solutions.

  • The general context of the application, the problem whose solution is the creation of the mobile application.

The qualitative and quantitative objectives of the mobile application. Do we want to acquire new customers? Retain existing customers? Increase the turnover?

  • Your target audience is the one for whom the application is intended. You need to define the profile of the people you want to use the application in

order to adapt your communication to them.

  • The UX/UI design of the application. It is possible that you are out of ideas. At Innovative Solutions, we advise you on the design of your application

according to the image of your company, your target, and the objective of the mobile application.

  • The maximum budget allocated to the development of the application must be foreseen in order to verify the feasibility of the project or at least

define an objective to be reached within a predefined timeframe. At Innovative Solutions, you have the possibility to make a simulation of estimate

in order to have an idea of the budget to foresee for the application you need. We are also at your disposal through direct and personalized contact.

  • Depending on the objective of the application, you will be able to define the economic model of the application. Do you want a free or paid

application? A feemium application? Integrated purchases? Advertising space?

  • You will also have to think about a communication plan to promote the application on different channels.

To conclude, creating a mobile application is nowadays almost inevitable. Especially for companies that are trying to target the new generation. The percentage of mobile users is increasing year after year and the use of mobile applications is exploding.

The development of an application becomes a real strategic issue for the growth of the company’s performance.

More and more urgent need for a digital transformation in companies

As the digital revolution reaches its peak, the need for digital transformation in businesses is becoming increasingly apparent.


The adoption of digital technology is more necessary than ever both to meet new consumer demands and to improve the efficiency of internal and external business operations.


An increasing number of companies are equipping themselves with tools and specialists to drive the digital transformation agenda. This is an important step that will allow them to digitize and facilitate all procedures of their internal and external activities, from product or service development to promotion.

Change of corporate culture


The need for digital transformation concerns all sectors of activity and structures of all sizes. According to a study by Roland Berger, the most mature companies in terms of digital transformation have a growth rate six times higher than those who are lagging behind.


This digital adaptation generates a new culture, new work practices that challenge the traditional business model, its professions, its modes of collaboration, and its mode of managing people.

It’s the end of the silo culture to welcome open innovation, collaborative intelligence, and vivacity. From now on, it is the customer, his vision, his values, and his expectations that count and that make the rules.

A more horizontal management


Previously more vertical, business management is more horizontal with digital transformation. Failure and error are part of innovation, and this new culture has led to a more flexible system where evolving tasks are constantly analyzed and challenged.

What are the benefits of a digital transformation program?
  • Improved customer experience: Omnichannel support and digital tracking increase customer satisfaction by making it easier for

them to interact with you.

  • Data-driven actions: By analyzing the data you have access to, you now have the ability to optimize marketing and sales strategies

for better performance.

  • Easier internal collaboration: By storing documents and files on a central server, internal collaboration is unified and seamless.
  • Better knowledge of your market: With digital tools at your disposal, you can constantly adapt to the market, follow its evolution

and better understand your customers’ behavior. A little data analysis is all it takes to get demographic details and reach a specific audience.

  • Automate business processes and save time.

Modernize the business and be responsive to innovation by integrating modern software and processes into its operations.

  • Increase business reliability through effective data security management.
  • Improved performance: Repetitive tasks are now automated, leaving room for employees to be more precise on other tasks. On the

other hand, the independence of employees in their respective responsibilities increases their productivity.

  • Reduced infrastructure costs: By moving from traditional infrastructure to cloud storage, the price of infrastructure decreases

significantly. In addition, access to the cloud requires no intervention and is faster.

  • Remote data access: Working remotely is more than easy with the ability to find any needed file in no time on the company’s server.

At Innovative Solutions, we help small, medium, and large companies to digitize and increase their performance.

Our expertise, our efficiency, and our permanent presence at each step of the digitization process make our projects a great success.


Do you want to adapt your company to the standards of today’s society? Contact us for personalized advice!

Why go for a redesign of your application?

If your mobile or web application is getting a bit old, you are certainly facing a dilemma. You may have thought about creating a new application that is more efficient and more up to date with the market needs in order to avoid the inevitable slowdown of your software and the constraints related to the potential changes.

This obviously requires a budget and time that you may not have.

But have you considered the intermediate path, which is the redesign of the application ?

What is a redesign? 


A redesign is an update of the application in order to modernize it technologically and improve its omni-channel experience and e-commerce performance.

The benefits of such a refresh are numerous. Here are some of them: 


  • Speed: Recent technologies have the advantage of increasing execution speed and plugging in bricks that will optimize the platform.
  • Maintainability: The modernization brought about by the use of the latest versions of tools will also reduce the cost of maintainability by reducing the number of people dedicated to its maintenance.
  • Scalability: It is sometimes not easy to add a functionality to a platform if it has not been taken into account from the beginning. In this case, rewriting the code allows optimizing all the additions.
  • Ergonomics and User Interface: The redesign will allow a better user interface by a better dissociation of the back, front and database parts.
  • Business continuity: The redesign can be done in a progressive way without stopping the use of the platform.
  • Technical knowledge: In order to take over the technical knowledge of the platform, it is important to have a globally revised tool with recent technologies.


How to proceed with a redesign? 


The first step of a redesign of the application is, as when creating a new application, the definition of the objectives. We must then think about the reasons for carrying out the redesign.


Then comes the stage of designing the mock-ups from which the prototypes will be tested with real users. This allows us to identify the points of improvement to be made.


After the analysis of these conclusive results, the development of the redesign project begins. This is a fairly long stage during which it would be preferable to work in agile methodology, and therefore to deliver the redesign in small chunks. This will have the advantage of allowing you to test each procedure of the redesign without having to wait for the entire development.


Convinced? Innovative Solutions realizes both the development and the redesign of web and mobile applications. For any information or quotation, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Feedz, the application that pays you for viewing advertising content !

On the occasion of the creation of the Feedz application, we interviewed its leader, Jimmy Riguelle, who told us about his project and his collaboration with Innovative Solutions. 

 What is Feedz ?

Feedz is the meeting of two terms: feed, which is the flow of information we see on a smartphone, and ads, which represents advertisements. It is therefore an advertising feed that monetizes the users who watch these advertising contents.

With Innovative Solutions, we made a web application and a mobile one.

How did you get the idea for this application ?

I had already made a test application where I made the connection between stores in order to allow easier integration of new e-trades in the market containing already established structures. That was my first idea but it was not very successful.

Then I came across an application called Polyform that monetizes users who view posts made by influencers and that gave me the idea for Feedz.

How did the choice of Innovative Solutions come about and why did you decide to collaborate with this company?

I have a background as a developer and despite that, I felt pretty helpless when I was faced with the need to find a development company that would have the skills to do this project. I did a Google search and came across the Sortlist platform which offered different development companies. After registering on the platform with my project and my expectations for its realization, I had 5 proposals from companies to which I sent tenders. Innovative Solutions answered us the next day, they were the first. What impressed me most and reassured me in my choice was the positive attitude of the two founders, Rinor and Laura. They understood very quickly what I wanted to do and always checked before saying if something was feasible or not. There was a lot of research work to do in order to do the best job possible. That’s why I chose this company.

How did the collaboration go?

Very quickly Laura was assigned as my project manager and it goes very well because sometimes I discuss a theme without any ulterior motive and she manages to turn it into feasible ideas. And that’s great because it means I’m not alone in my project and I feel supported, helped and advised. Even though it’s not her project, she guides me a lot and understands directly what I want to say. And that is something I find rare.

Now that the project has been completed. Are you satisfied with the application ?

I am very, very satisfied. It looks even better than I thought it would.

Obviously when you launch a new project, you have to make it known to the public and therefore the success is not immediate. Especially since there are already well-established companies with great teams. So I would say that everything is going well for the moment, the feedback from users is very positive but it’s only the beginning.

If another opportunity arose, would you still choose Innovative Solutions ?

Personally, I’m already in a frame of mind where I know I’m going to work with Innovative Solutions long term for all the benefits I’ve mentioned. They have the skills and I don’t think I can find that type of support anywhere else.

What would you say to people who have not yet worked with Innovative Solutions?

Honestly it’s not in my advantage that they are even more known and therefore more overwhelmed with other projects than mine. But honestly, I recommend them. They are a Belgian start-up that has understood some important concepts from a development point of view and I will do everything in my power to make sure they get the success they deserve.

ERP, the solution to a good management of a company

ERP is one of the largest management solutions that allows to centralize all the functional components of a company within a single system.

Once used by large manufacturers, ERP software is now increasingly used by small businesses in various industries. As a result, many small and medium-sized businesses have adopted this solution. But why?


An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a software that allows to integrate all the information and data generated by different activities of a company into a single database.This can then be presented in the form of useful support for decision making (reporting, dashboards, management indicators, etc.).

We can identify four types of ERP systems:

  • Generalists: have basic functionalities and can be adapted to any sector of activity.
  • Specialized: are adapted to specific activity sectors.
  • Open Sources: are free softwares that do not require a license for their use. They are often limited in functionality but are more affordable.
  • SaaS or Cloud : are software with servers outsourced to Datacenters that are connected to the Internet. These are the most searched at the moment.


The creation or implementation of an ERP system within a company has several advantages. The first one is the fact of having on a single software a general vision of all the functions of the company. This software will also allow you to 

Productivity increase thanks to a unique database (real-time updated data) 

Improved management of material resources and operational processes  

Improved costs 

Reduction in data processing time 

Smooth flow of information and communication

A global vision for adequate decision making 

These advantages will allow the company to increase its productivity, performance and profitability.


ERP tools can cover various functions, here are some examples:

  • Commercial management ( purchase and sales management, CRM etc.)
  • Accounting and finance: analytical accounting, general accounting, budgeting, management control, etc.
  • WMS stock management: transport, storage, logistics, etc.
  • Production management
  • Human resources (HR, payroll, recruitment, formation, etc.)
  • After-sales services
  • Business Intelligence (reporting, statistics, etc.)


CRM software is oriented towards customer management.  The purpose is to improve sales by optimizing customer relations. ERP software improves the circulation of information within the company and between all the services in order to optimize costs.

Website and Mobile Application in 2022: Why have both?

We don’t need to introduce these essential tools of our daily life anymore.

Many companies have a website and a mobile application but why?

Growing market

One of the main reasons is the fact that the download of applications has been growing for several years. Indeed, this market counted nearly 140 billion downloads in 2021, against 130 billion in 2020.

More than 13 years after the launch of the 2 main download platform services, namely the App Store and Google Play, companies should no longer neglect this communication channel which is a key point in their digital strategy.

The mobile dominates the device market

The smartphone is the most used device by users. The use of mobile internet represents more than 55% of the internet traffic. Nevertheless, the desktop has seen an increase since the pandemic due to the increasing appearance of home working.

The attractive website

Websites generate more traffic than mobile applications. When a user is looking for information, his first reflex is to check the information on a web browser. That’s why it’s important for companies to have a website.

The accessibility of the applications

The applications, unlike the website, do not require an Internet connection. They allow the user to have access to it when and where he wants. The user’s journey becomes shorter and keeps his attention.

According to a study conducted by COMSCORE, the time of use on a mobile application is 87% against 13% on web browsers.

The mistake not to make

Although the website and the application should look the same so as not to destabilize the user, they should not be similar. The objective of an application is to create loyalty to the use of the latter while a website will more often have the objective to keep the user as long as possible on its website.

However, they will have a common objective: to build brand loyalty.

The plurality of web applications

A website is nowadays a necessity for the notoriety and growth of a company. If mobile applications join this category of essentials, the perception of web applications is not yet assimilated by all.

Indeed, web applications benefit from specific functionalities and unlike websites, they are hosted remotely.

While websites generally provide information, web applications are programs often used by companies because they are accessible on all types of browsers.

Web applications are grouped into 6 categories:
  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • E-commerce
  • Web portals
  • Animated web
  • With content management
Static web applications

Static web applications are the most basic types of applications. The languages adopted for this type are generally HTML and CSS. But the big disadvantage of these applications is the update which can be tedious to set up because it must be done on the server.

Dynamic web applications

In terms of know-how, dynamic web applications are more complicated to develop. This type of application is commonly used to be able to easily update its database or the information present on the application. Usually, the developer implements a CMS in the backend to allow this process.

E-commerce web applications

The most used web applications in the world are e-commerce web applications. Indeed, many people have already made a purchase without knowing that it was on e-commerce web applications. These applications are even more complex to deploy than the 2 previously mentioned because the application must be able to record digital payments.

Web portal applications
These are applications that, through a home page, allow access to several sections, categories, or forums. 
Animated web applications

FLASH technology is even essential if you want a modern application that can display animations.

The big disadvantage of this technology is the natural referencing which is difficult to optimize on classic search engines and can even be non-existent on other search engines.

Applications with content management

Content management systems are known as CMS. They allow you to have access to an interface that allows you to update the different contents of your web application. These applications are usually adopted for blogs, media, or information pages.

The main CMS are:
  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal

The importance of specifications before calling on a development agency

Have you ever called upon an IT agency for the realization of a specific project or simply to ask for an estimate, advice?

In this case, you have probably been asked to provide a specification. But what is it? And above all, why can’t you do without it when you want to implement your project?

A specification is a document to be respected during a project. The specifications are contractual, i.e. they must be stipulated in a contract.

This contract will bind 2 participants:
  • The project owner: Person or company for whom the project is carried out
  • The project manager: Person or company who carries out the project.

The objective of a specification is to allow the project manager to understand the needs and expectations of the project owner. Therefore, in case of non-compliance, penalties may be applied.

There are 3 parts to drafting these contracts:
  • The first is the context. It is important to specify the reasons for its realization without forgetting to mention for whom the project is intended, the partners involved as well as the target of the project.
  • The second is the functional part. Its purpose is to determine the scope of the project by summarizing the functionalities that the project must meet. These functional needs will then be transcribed into technical specifications.
  • Lastly comes the technical part. Its purpose is to highlight the technicalities. It will emphasize the requirements and constraints related to the development of the project. For example, the software(s), the programming language(s) used, etc.
  • It is also necessary to specify the total budget, the deadlines, and the delivery date to avoid any surprises later on.
  • Lastly, it is possible, by means of an amendment, to modify the specifications during the course of the project. This modification must be requested by the client and this request must be approved by the project manager.

With the description and composition of the specifications defined, let us now focus on the reasons why it is essential to draw up these contracts in advance, before the meeting with the development agency.

Understand and adapt quickly to your needs

The specifications must contain your needs in detail. This will allow development agencies to understand and tell you directly whether or not they are able to meet your needs.

If it is the case, the agency will be able to propose to you its solutions/alternatives adapted to your requirements.


Even if the writing of a complete specification is sometimes tedious, it allows the development company to have the essential information to carry out the project. If the specifications are written in advance, it will allow the development agency to determine if this information is feasible or not. For example the deadline.

A powerful communication tool

Having a set of specifications allows you to communicate with all of the project’s stakeholders. Its universality for all actors allows everyone to intervene in case of non-understanding of one or several elements mentioned.

Effective development.

The specifications frame the development company

It will serve as a guideline throughout the realization of the project. This allows the development team to organize itself for efficient production.

As you can see, the writing of this document is essential if you want to use a development company for the realization of any project. In addition to helping the service provider understand your request in order to adapt its offer, the process of writing the specifications will also allow you to become aware of your own needs and have clear ideas about the project.

If you have a project in mind and don’t know how to go about writing a specification, at Innovative Solutions, we are ready to assist you in its realization in order to offer you a fully customized quote.

Interop 2022: The new Web benchmark developed by Apple, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla

Interoperability is one of the major issues for web developers. Currently due to their incompatibility, Internet applications can not be identical in terms of functions and design across all browsers. To address this, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla announced the creation of Interop 2022, a benchmark tool created together to improve web browser interoperability.
A web benchmark by the main browsers

If each of their products has its own characteristics, it is important that they all support the same web standards so that sites are displayed correctly and services work perfectly whatever the editor behind the browser. To the great regret of developers, this is not the case at present. They have to deal with the inconsistencies between each product and try to adapt to them. Given the crucial and critical nature of interoperability, the major players have collaborated to create Intertop 2022, a project that aims to launch new standards in this area.

Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Google, supported by Bocoup and Igalia, have collaborated to improve interoperability in 15 key areas that developers have identified as problematic or missing. The goal is to make web design technologies more consistent across platforms and eliminate differences between them. This new benchmark will be used to evaluate how the predefined list of standards is used by different vendors, both in their stable and experimental browsers.


Removing inconsistencies between browsers

To take one example, the stable version of Safari lags behind Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, while Safari’s Technology Preview is on par with its competitors. The score was generated from automated tests that evaluate performance and support for 15 predefined criteria, including scrolling, forms, encoding, typography, different types of CSS, color spaces, display units, and overall web compatibility. The dashboard is available to the general public and will always be updated to assess everyone’s progress.

Windows 11: Microsoft could bring back tabs in File Explorer

For the upcoming Windows 11 Insider release 22572, Microsoft has restored an option to enable tabbed browsing in File Explorer.

A feature that Windows users have been asking for for years, and which could make their work at the office as well as at home easier!

This is a hidden option (and disabled by default) that was discovered by a developer specialized in reverse engineering, Rafael Rivera.

Note that Microsoft has not yet officially announced the return of tabs in the file explorer, but the feature is already generating positive reactions. Some screenshots published by another user show that File Explorer can handle a large number of tabs with the ability to scroll through them, as it already exists in web browsers.

Launch the effective digitalization of your company!

The limitation of physical contact following the health crisis has led to a growing need for digitalization in companies. But how do you go about it?

With the increase of dematerialization such as the use of electronic signature and teleworking, companies had to adapt. Online discussion tools have therefore been integrated into the daily life of companies to enable cost-effective operation and collaboration.

This culture of openness and adaptability in companies is more necessary than ever to successfully complete the digital transformation project of the company.

Furthermore, it is important to understand the issues and have a strategic vision of digital in one’s own sector. It is necessary to understand the benefits of digitalization and to be able to train oneself and one’s employees.

Some examples of the benefits of digitization

Digitization allows to be more efficient and to attract and convert new prospects for permanent growth. It also allows the improvement of the offer thanks to the possibility of a better listening of the uses and the expectations of the customers. The customer experience is improved, we witness better customer loyalty. To achieve this, it is necessary to consider new professions and digital skills in companies.

Finally, digital transformation allows the integration of a set of digital technologies in all daily processes. These processes affect both internal (such as operations, human resources, finance) and external (such as sales, communication, marketing, etc.).

How to digitalize internally?

For internal digitalization, the support services must be innovative. The creation by development companies like Innovative Solutions or the use of some existing software will be necessary.

– Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

– Customer relationship management tool (CRM)

– Human resources management information system (HRIS)

– Project management tool

– Payroll dematerialization tool

– A data visualization tool

– Accounting and financial tools integration software and more.

For the digitalization of external domains

– For good external digital communication, it is important to surround yourself with competent experts (an employee or an external communication agency).

– Social networks and Google should not be neglected for continuous communication.

– It is advisable to launch sponsored campaigns on Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram… depending on your target audience.

– Stay visible and accessible online. Take care of the company’s e-reputation. Encourage users to give feedback on your pages.

Digitalization, an indispensable solution

As you may have guessed, the digital transition is nowadays essential. Numerous developments can testify to this: whether it is telecommuting, the evolution of payment methods, online courses, supply chain software, tenant management in real estate, the digitization of insurance contracts, artificial intelligence, etc. Digital activities are in hypergrowth and require rapid adaptation on the part of companies.

How to promote your mobile application?

With the advent of digital tools and the growth of the use of applications, the fact of having a mobile or web application is now more and more considerable.

To start on the right footing, to give your business the chance to succeed in a competitive and very digital world, you need to adapt to the implicit norms.

For the development of the application, it is essential to work with professionals who fully understand your needs. A relationship of trust must be established between you and the provider. This is why at Innovative Solutions, we work with the Agile method. A practice that allows us to validate the product at each stage of its development to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Now that it is ready to be launched, you need some advice to ensure access to your mobile application and increase its visibility.

Indeed, the competition is increasing between the applications available on the different Stores. The domains involved are more and more numerous and it is more and more difficult to stand out.

Here are some practices to put in place to increase the number of downloads of your application

1. Take care of the application’s icon

The icon of your application will often make a difference on the stores because it will often appear next to other similar applications. The image will influence the choice of the Internet user because very often, he will not go very far to compare the different characteristics. So choose an icon that stands out but at the same time accurately represents the application.

The high resolution of the icon is also important to follow the continuous technological evolution of smartphones and allow them to adapt to any support.

2. Communicate on the development of the application and its launch

During the development of the app, you can already secure an audience by communicating about the development process. Set the stage, and show the challenges you’re going through to make this project happen.

Obviously, at the end of the development, you will have to communicate about its launch by publishing on social networks, launching promotion campaigns on social networks, on search engines, sending newsletters, writing explanatory articles on blogs, etc. There are several tools to promote your application. You just have to choose the most profitable ones according to your target and try to combine several of them.

3. Describe the application and its benefits for the user

Describe the application in a brief but powerful way. The user should directly benefit from downloading the application. Therefore, it is best to avoid technical jargon and focus on an intelligible description.

4. Optimize the natural referencing of the download page

Just like optimizing the SEO of your website, you should also optimize the SEO of your application’s download page. This is called ASO, or App Store Optimization. This obviously requires a study of the important keywords that you will use in the application’s description. It is imperative to put yourself in the shoes of Internet users and assume the terms they are looking for.

5. Use illustrations to present the application

On the application catalog, very often to access the written information, you have to click or scroll. Very few users do this. That’s why it is necessary to present the application with different images or videos demonstrating the different functions.

As you can see, good communication will certainly help you succeed in your launch and also create some e-reputation. By sharing a clear description of your application, adding an effective presentation, and testing it with your audience, you will gain notoriety on the networks. You will then be able to maintain and exploit this notoriety, to communicate about possible changes to the application or the launch of a new one!

Native or hybrid application ?

With the digital revolution, more and more companies are integrating mobile applications into their workflow to extend their business reach.

Mobile applications are nowadays the most dynamic and interactive business tool, allowing a strong connection with a company’s customers. Therefore, many companies have chosen to integrate a mobile application into their project in order to expand the possibilities of brand adherence. This digital tool has several advantages that we have listed in the following article.

However, a crucial question arises during its development. Should you opt for a native or hybrid version?

Unlike the hybrid version, the native version is developed for a particular operating system (Android or iOS). However, it is faster, more fluid, and more secure than the hybrid version.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of differences between a native and a hybrid application.

The long-term reach of the application 

Native platforms, backed by Google and Apple, easily have the tools to implement any functionality, resolve errors and launch updates without affecting the use of the application.

The hybrid platform, on the other hand, does not make updates a top priority. Tools and updates are not synchronized with Apple and Google, making it critical to create and launch future updates. In addition, it is difficult to know how long the support will last.

Acceptance in stores 

A native app is easier to publish and is usually ranked higher in the platform’s app store, as it offers better performance and speed.

So, in terms of programming language preferences, we lean towards Java/Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS over React Native.

Development time 

The most important thing to consider when comparing the native and hybrid approach is that code is written individually for Android and iOS platforms due to their technical variations. Therefore, you will need to designate one team for Android development and another for iOS development to make your application available on both platforms.

In a hybrid version, only one code is written for both platforms by the same developers, which means you can create hybrid apps for Android and iOS using the same codes. In addition, the concept of hot reloading makes it easy to deploy the project without having to rebuild it, which reduces the effort and time needed to develop a hybrid app.

So, if you want to enter the mobile market earlier and at a lower cost while targeting both platforms, go for the hybrid.

Cost of the mobile application

According to leading mobile app development companies, hybrid app development can cost up to 25% less than native apps for the same app project.


Another factor in comparing native and hybrid app development is the performance of the app.

Hybrid works with JavaScript that runs on only one dedicated thread on the device. It cannot run multiple asynchronous tasks at the same time. In addition, the framework does not support many popular modules and features. This makes it incompatible with native device features, advanced technologies, and complex manipulations.

On the other hand, native applications are developed using Swift, Java, or Kotlin, which are more powerful than JavaScript for working on advanced features, performing heavy calculations, and integrating advanced hardware devices. This makes it easier to create any type of application using native technologies.

Support for native modules

The hybrid version does not have the necessary APIs to cover all native mobile features. To use these inaccessible APIs, the hybrid app adds native module support, which requires the chosen company to know how to code in both native languages.

Application security 

The hybrid framework is based on JavaScript, which is not a strongly typed and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) language like the native application development languages, namely Java and Kotlin (for Android) and Objective-C and Swift (for iOS). In addition, several third-party libraries and APIs are used in the hybrid case, which makes it difficult to identify errors and flaws in the development process.

Therefore, the native application is more efficient in terms of security.

Why develop a minimum viable product (MVP)?

When creating an application as a product, one of the solutions to measure its profitability is an MVP application. If you don’t know what it is, you’ve probably already thought about the concept.

You have a great idea for a web or mobile application. You want to launch it quickly to get ahead of the competition but you want to test the product before investing such a large budget? Two solutions are available to you. Either a market research with your target audience by asking them about their interest in the future application, or the creation of an MVP.

What is an MVP?

The Minimum Viable product is the simplified version of the mobile or web application that will allow you to learn as much as possible about your customers’ needs and preferences, while using as little technology/resources as possible. It will speed up the marketing of the application, give you some confidence before investing the full budget and finally, it will give you insight into the preferences of your target audience.

With this tool, you will be able to measure the reaction of the customers and get their feedback. The next step will be to plan and prioritize the most expected features of the application.

The MVP will also create an initial base of users who can become beta testers. It is also an effective way to prove to potential investors the relevance of your project.

What are the steps in creating an MVP?
  • Identify the problem for which your application will add value.
  • Identify the stakeholders and especially the competition to gain insight into the opportunities and threats.
  • Launch the development of the MVP.
  • Test by beta testers before releasing to Stores.

An example of a successful MVP is the famous Airbnb platform, which now has $2.6 billion in annual revenue. Give your project a chance !

The press facing the challenges of digitization

With the advent of digital, we were already in an increased digitization of the press before the health crisis added to this acceleration of the fall of paper. Kiosks closed, advertising fell, we faced an explosion of the consumption of digital writing during this period which participated in the oblivion of the paper. However, the digital subscriptions of the sites have exploded and the digital advertising resists well. The transfer from paper to digital seems more and more inevitable. How to explain this?

First of all, it should be noted that our reduction in paper use has led to an increase in the cost of paper from 400 to 700 euros per ton. This situation is difficult to manage for publishers who find themselves having to choose between counterproductive solutions such as imposing price increases on their readers or reducing the quality of the newspaper or magazine.

Secondly, with the advent of digital, information channels must transform themselves in order to adapt to the new way the public works.

The distribution of information via the Internet represents an interesting business model today. Possibility to issue web advertising banners and to give access to a selection of articles through the subscription model. It is advantageous for the media which gains not only in visibility, but also financially.

Finally, the more direct and instantaneous circulation of information on the web grants a better reactivity to the news and fulfills the expectations of readers who are more and more impatient and used to infobesity.

The adaptation of the paper

Despite this bifurcation, print media is not doomed. The print media distribution strategy is evolving to adapt to these new ways of working.

Indeed, the printed press allows a unique experience that digital cannot offer. The pleasure of flipping through a magazine in transit, discovering a gift, smelling the pages, stumbling upon the newspaper during a relevant event, etc. The physical experience will always be sought after by some. That’s why it’s best to adapt the strategy in order to print the necessary number to satisfy this targeted audience.

To conclude, digital press has grown so much that it is now necessary for the survival of magazines and newspapers.

However, both paper and digital have their advantages, and they are complementary. On the one hand, there are in-depth topics and the possibility of physical interaction with the consumer, on the other hand, there is instantaneousness and virtual accessibility of information in various formats.