We don’t need to introduce these essential tools of our daily life anymore.
Many companies have a website and a mobile application but why?
Growing market
One of the main reasons is the fact that the download of applications has been growing for several years. Indeed, this market counted nearly 140 billion downloads in 2021, against 130 billion in 2020.
More than 13 years after the launch of the 2 main download platform services, namely the App Store and Google Play, companies should no longer neglect this communication channel which is a key point in their digital strategy.
The mobile dominates the device market
The smartphone is the most used device by users. The use of mobile internet represents more than 55% of the internet traffic. Nevertheless, the desktop has seen an increase since the pandemic due to the increasing appearance of home working.
The attractive website
Websites generate more traffic than mobile applications. When a user is looking for information, his first reflex is to check the information on a web browser. That’s why it’s important for companies to have a website.
The accessibility of the applications
The applications, unlike the website, do not require an Internet connection. They allow the user to have access to it when and where he wants. The user’s journey becomes shorter and keeps his attention.
According to a study conducted by COMSCORE, the time of use on a mobile application is 87% against 13% on web browsers.
The mistake not to make
Although the website and the application should look the same so as not to destabilize the user, they should not be similar. The objective of an application is to create loyalty to the use of the latter while a website will more often have the objective to keep the user as long as possible on its website.
However, they will have a common objective: to build brand loyalty.